Grow Wild in your own backyard!
We has a local seed company create a custom mix for Big Sky! A 2 ounce packet will cover an area of 200 square feet. This hardy, drought resistant mix contains 11 native wildflower species, 2 native grass species, and a sub-shrub that will thrive with little maintenance and attract pollinators.
Be sure to read out planting instructions, and know native seed takes time. The saying goes "first year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps!"
Species include:
Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Balsamorhiza sagittate
Blanketflower, Gaillardia aristata (Meriwether)
Bluebunch wheatgrass, Pseudoroegneria spicata
Indian ricegrass, Achnatherum hymenoides
Lewis flax, Linum lewisii
Lupine, Lupinus caudatus
Prairie (or white) Sage, Artemisa Ludovicana
Prairie Coneflower, Ratibida columnifera
Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Cleome serrulate
Showy or Aspen Daisy, Erigeron speciosus
Smooth Aster, Symphyotrichum leave
Sulfur buckwheat, Eriogonum umbellatum
Utah Northern Sweetvetch, Hedysarum boreale
Western Yarrow, Achillea millefolium
Big Sky Wildflower Seed Mix
Pick up at Big Sky Farmers Market or another Grow Wild event.
If those don't work, reach out to us at and we'll find a way to get this item to you!
1. Plant after last frost date has passed. Choose a spot with 6 or more hours of direct sun a day.
2. Prepare your soil by clearing the area of all existing growth. Simply dig up everything that is growing, turn the soil and rakethe area flat. If this is an area that has never before been gardened, you may need to till the area, removing vegetation and roots.3. Mix the seeds with sand for better visibility and scatter the seeds directly on top of the soil.
4. Lightly compressing the seeds into the soil, making sure not to bury them. You can either walk on them or use a board.
5. Water so that the soil is moist, not soaking wet, until the seedlings are about 4-6" tall. After that, the seedlings will survive on natural rains. Water occasionally if weather is very hot/dry.